Disposable Camera
Disposable Camera A disposable camera is a simple, inexpensive camera that is designed for single-use. It is typically made of lightweight plastic and comes pre-loaded with a roll of film. Disposable cameras became popular in the late 20th century as a convenient and affordable option for capturing photographs, especially in situations where it was not practical or desirable to use more expensive cameras. Here's how a disposable camera typically works: 1 -: Purchase: You can buy a disposable camera from various retail stores or online. They are usually available in different film formats, such as 35mm or APS (Advanced Photo System). 2 -: Use: Disposable cameras are straightforward to operate. To take a photo, you aim the camera at your subject and press the shutter button. Some disposable cameras have a built-in flash, while others rely on natural or available light. After taking all the photos on the roll of film, you cannot take any more pictures with the disposa...